08 October 2010

Haters’ gotta hate (or not)

As the internet user you are, there is a high percentage that you have an account on Facebook. Maybe you have also noticed a big amount of groups with names similar to ”all of us who hate...” or ”we hate...” whatever it is that the people in the group ”hates”.

The word hate is very strong, but seem to have lost part of its meaning. I think that hate is a word to strong to use when you are talking about a for an example, a commercial, or maybe a person you haven’t even met.

Here is the dictionary’s description of what hate is.

hate |hāt|
verb [ trans. ]
feel intense or passionate dislike for (someone) : the boys hate each other | he was particularly hated by the extreme right.
• have a strong aversion to (something) : he hates flying | [with infinitive ] I'd hate to live there.
• [with infinitive ] used politely to express one's regret or embarrassment at doing something : I hate to bother you.
intense or passionate dislike : feelings of hate and revenge.
• [as adj. ] denoting hostile actions motivated by intense dislike or prejudice : a hate campaign.
hatable |ˈhātəbəl| (also hateable) adjective

There has also been a lot of ”chainstatuses” as for an example ”copy and paste this to your status if you would scream ‘JUMP’ if you saw Justin Beiber on a rooftop”

What I dont understand is how people can say such things about a person they haven’t even met.

Imagine seing a complete stranger on a rooftop, would you really encourage them to take their own life?

I can understand that people dislike the music, but does that really mean that you hate the actual person and actually want them to die? Or do you? If you do, please comment, I would love to hear somebody disagreeing with me.